164/64 blood pressure - is it good or bad? (2024)

According to the American Heart Association, a blood pressure reading of 164/64 would be consideredisolated systolic hypertension. Isolated systolic hypertension is defined by a systolic reading (the top number) between 130-179 and a diastolic reading (the bottom number) of less than 80. It is one of the most common types of high blood pressure in people over the age of 65.

Okay, now you know how to classify a blood pressure of 164/64, but now what do you do with that information? Read on to learn more or look up another blood pressure reading.

What is a good blood pressure reading?

According to the American Heart Association, a normal blood pressure reading is lower than 120/80. While there is no specific number for low blood pressure, most experts say blood pressure is too low when it causes symptoms or drops suddenly. In general, though, low blood pressure can be considered anything under 90/60.

More information about a blood pressure reading of 164/64

A blood pressure reading of 164/64 is pronounced "164 over 64." You may also see it written colloquially as 164/64 bp.

In a blood pressure reading of 164/64, 164 is called the systolic number and 64 is called the diastolic number. Systolic refers to the part of the cardiac cycle in which the heart contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries, and diastolic refers to the part of the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood. You may also hear the systolic and diastolic numbers referred to as the top number and the bottom number.

Systolic and diastolic readings are measured in mmHg, which is a unit of pressure equal to the pressure that can support a column of mercury 1 millimeter high. Hg is the chemical symbol for mercury. For a blood pressure reading of 164/64, you would pronounce it "164 over 64 millimeters of mercury."

How do you measure blood pressure?

In a doctor's office, blood pressure is traditionally taken manually by a doctor or nurse with a sphygmomanometer. A sphygmomanometer is a medical instrument with an inflatable cuff and pressure meter or dial. The sphygmomanometer is placed snugly around the upper arm and is inflated by hand, and the doctor or nurse listens to the brachial artery with a stethoscope as they gradually reduce the pressure of the cuff. When the whooshing sound of blood is first heard through the stethoscope, the doctor or nurse makes note of the reading on the pressure meter. This indicates the systolic blood pressure reading. When the sound disappears, the reading on the pressure meter indicates the diastolic pressure reading.

Blood pressure can also be taken at home using a number of a digital devices. They typically consist of an inflatable cuff and digital display and simply work by placing the cuff around the upper arm and pressing a button, after which the cuff inflatess, deflates, and displays a reading. The most popular blood pressure machines for home use are made by Omron, Beurer, and Paramed, amongst many others.

One thing to keep in mind is that blood pressure can vary by time of day and activity level, so if you're taking it at home it's important to check it around the same time each day and rest for a few minutes ahead of time to limit as many variables as possible. It can also be affected by eating.

Blood pressure tends to rise in the hours before waking and then drop in the afternoon and evening before dropping to its lowest point while sleeping, so one popular recommendation is to check it just after waking up and just before bed to identify trends in how it varies from morning until night. Because of this, you might find that if your blood pressure is 164/64 in the morning, it might be lower before bed, and vice versa. Of course, these are just general rules of thumb and may vary by the individual.

Relevant HSA expenses

If you have an HSA as part of your health insurance plan, you'll be pleased to find that blood pressure monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and wrist blood pressure monitors are all eligible, including smart blood pressure monitors like the offerings from Qardio and Withings.

How the heck do you pronounce sphygmomanometer?

Sphygmomanometer is pronounced sfig-moh-muh-'nah-mi-ter. Easy!

Explore blood pressure readings similar to 164/64

The following table shows related blood pressure readings because sometimes just one number can make all the difference.

Please note that if a field is blank, it's not an accident—it simply means a record doesn't exist for that particular blood pressure. This could be because going forward or backward would create a blood pressure reading that wouldn't make sense, or because that blood pressure simply doesn't exist in our records.

← Prev systolic num Next systolic num →
163/64 blood pressure165/64 blood pressure
← Prev diastolic num Next diastolic num →
164/63 blood pressure164/65 blood pressure



The information on this page is intended to be an educational reference and is not to be taken as medical advice. If you think you're having a hypertensive or hypotensive emergency, or if you're having any kind of medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.

164/64 blood pressure - is it good or bad? (2024)


Is 164/64 high blood pressure? ›

Normal pressure is 120/80 or lower. Your blood pressure is considered high (stage 1) if it reads 130 to 139 mmHg/80 to 89 mmHg. Stage 2 high blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. If you get a blood pressure reading of 180/120 or higher more than once, seek medical treatment right away.

Is 64 too low for the bottom number of blood pressure? ›

What would you define as “too low,” and why is that a problem? A diastolic blood pressure of somewhere between 90 and 60 is good in older folks. Once you start getting below 60, that makes people feel uncomfortable. A lot of older folks with low diastolic pressures get tired or dizzy and have frequent falls.

What is a dangerously low bottom number for blood pressure? ›

But the same was true for heart attacks, heart failure, and death in people with low blood pressure (systolic pressure below 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure under 70 mm Hg).

Should I go to the ER if my blood pressure is 160? ›

If you are monitoring your blood pressure at home and notice levels regularly above 140/90 OR if you are experiencing symptoms such as severe headaches or changes in vision, contact your doctor immediately and go to the emergency room.

What BP level is stroke level? ›

The acute hypertensive response of stroke, defined by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and World Health Organisation (WHO) as a systolic BP level of >140 mmHg and diastolic BP >90 mmHg, or levels above established premorbid baseline levels [Bath et al.

What is the danger zone for blood pressure? ›

Emergency hypertensive crisis. Blood pressure is 180/120 mm Hg or greater. There is life-threatening damage to the body's organs.

What is dangerously low blood pressure? ›

What is hypotension? Hypotension is abnormally low blood pressure (lower than 90/60 mm Hg). If your blood pressure gets too low, it can cause dizziness, fainting or death. Low blood pressure is not a condition that is usually treated except if it occurs in the elderly or occurs suddenly.

What is an alarming diastolic number? ›

Elevated blood pressure is systolic of 120 to 129 and diastolic less than 80. Stage 1 high blood pressure is when systolic is 130 to 139 or diastolic is 80 to 89. Stage 2 high blood pressure is when systolic is 140 or higher or diastolic is 90 or higher.

What not to eat when BP is low? ›

People with low blood pressure who eat a lot of tomatoes will experience headaches, dizziness, and dizziness. Cold foods such as spinach, celery, melons, watermelons, red beans, green beans, sunflower seeds, kelp, onions all have the effect of lowering blood pressure, so they should not be eaten.

How can I bring my BP down quickly? ›

Tricks to Lower Blood Pressure Instantly
  1. Meditate or focus on deep breathing. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you relax, which slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
  2. Reduce your stress levels. ...
  3. Take a warm bath or shower.

Can 160 100 blood pressure cause a stroke? ›

Extremely high blood pressure can damage blood vessels and weaken arteries in the brain, increasing the risk of stroke. Blood pressure readings above 180/120 mmHg are considered stroke-level, dangerously high, and require immediate medical attention.

What causes the bottom number of blood pressure to be high? ›

Diastolic pressure is the bottom number of a blood pressure reading. IDH occurs if someone has elevated diastolic blood pressure, increasing a person's risk of heart disease and stroke. Smoking, consuming alcohol, obesity, and high blood fat may lead to IDH.

Is 160 over 64 blood pressure bad? ›

Normal blood pressure is less than 120 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic (see blood pressure chart below), and may vary from 90/60mmHg to 120/80mmHg in a healthy young woman. A blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher indicates high blood pressure (hypertension).

Is 160 over 65 a bad blood pressure? ›

Normal blood pressure is less than 120 on top and less than 80 on the bottom. Prehypertension levels are 120-139 on top and 80-89 on the bottom. High blood pressure, stage 1 is 140-159 on top and 90-99 on the bottom. High blood pressure, stage 2 is 160 or higher on top and 100 and over on the bottom.

Is 165 over 65 high blood pressure? ›

For ordinary healthy adults, the pressure should be less than 120/80mmHg. If your readings are higher or lower than the healthy limits, the diagnosis can be as follows: Elevated high blood pressure: Any value that ranges between 120/80 and 130/80mm Hg. Hypertensive emergency: 180/120mm Hg and above.

What is considered stroke level low blood pressure? ›

In a 2021 study , people with systolic blood pressure of less than 120 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure of less than 60 mm Hg, and pulse pressure of at least 90 mm Hg were at a higher risk of dying from stroke compared with those with typical blood and pulse pressure.

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