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- The Macon Telegraphi
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A1 A 1 11 v-- 4' 1 THE MACON DSILY TELEGRAPH: FKlDAT" MOKXTXG SEPTEMBER 13 1907 1 1 l-H -H 1 1 It HH-M-l Mil' iimmiiHiiiHtiHui September 1 Schedule affective tj 1907 Ti HEW YORK COTTON CONTINUES WEU POLICE COUR fV Best Fabrics Latest Styles In Fall Suits n' i i 1 1 1 1 im-ii it 1 1 1 1 1 MACON A BIRMINGHAM LIVERPOOL spots eloaed)' 719 NEW YORK spots elooad1t-N NEW ORLEANS opota cloaad 18 A 9 1 THE LOCAL MARKET Tho Macon cotton market yesterday wao dull at tho following quotations: Trains leave Macon for U-sella Culloden Yateaville Thomaeton Woodbury Harris LaG rang and Intermediate points as follows Ko 41 at 430 dally and No 55 at 655 a in dally except Sunday' No 41 makes direct connection with Southern Railway at Woodburn for Warm Springs and Columbus arriving at Warm Springs 805 and Columbus 1005 Trains leave from A By depot Fifth end Pine Sts Ranga of Prlcas Good Middling -fjl Strict Middling Middling Strict Low Middling -nil At Sworda Point Georgia Sword and Maud Jones an supposed to he neighbors Their homes are Just far apart to keep them engaging In actual combat when they begin their cross-country gossip Thla saves them dollars and cent because from the way the case was explained In court they would always he gouging out eyes and other disfigurement of person The freshest fuas waa on Wednesday when Georgia incidentally remarked that Maud did not keep hdr honae In order This waa the last straw and Maud resented the Insult by saying things She said all aha ever heard Bald and simply howled because ahe hadn't heard more They say what she said would have broken up a prise fight And Georgia responded with equal warmth and voul-blllty but fortunately for Maud her name was not on the docket But Georgia waa made to pay five dollars and lt la confidently predicted that the end la not yaL Sales 186 266 1 We Have reproduced in this 'ad a likeness of one of our prettiest Fall Suits Although yon can gain a pretty good idea of how it looks from the picture but yon will like them even better by looking through as extensive stock Spot Cotton Movement Recta Bhlf Sept 7 1907 40 Sept 9 1907 291 Sept 10 1907 252 Sept 11 1907 424 Sept 12 1907 621 Ip 269 607 690 417 171 184 222 282 Pass Stock on Hand September 1 1907 September 12 1907 loeeieot 449 927 I EL RHODES GaiVI Agent Phone 1800' UL NEW YORK $1000 to $3000 NEW YORK Sept The cotton opened steady at an advance of I to 4 points with the near months relatively firm owing to the bullish effect an sentl- ig to ment of last night's realizing as well nd as soiling for short account ana the CIGARETTES TRAINS AT MACON GA Effective Sunday Sept 9 1906 CREEK CO Quality Always market broke about 8 to 10 points lower during the middle of the morning with the undertone nervous" and unsettled' The weather In the South seemed favorable t- V' A J'int -Hannah Jones and Laura Street were discussing domestic affairs prln elpally how to make layer cake without chocolate when Dan Mitchell came on the scene In the course of hla observations Dan said' Hannah knew no more how to make layer cake than a bob-tall bull in fly time Both women begged Dan to desist from such defamatory remarks but Dan was not a quitter and he kept on until they said something he didn't relish and then he lit In and made the air heavy with bad words to the extent of a ten dollar fine and Liverpool cables were disapoplnting The strikes reported among dock laborers at Galveston and New Orleans are said are thc pnly Turkish cigarettes that offer all the characteristics of high-class Turkish leaf in a pure and perfect blend at Leave Macon for Dublin and Wall a Train No 18 JJjaw Train No 20 vnaJ Japm Xr Macon from Dublin and Yldalla Train No li 80pm Train No 88am to be causing September shippers some uneasiness The market continued weak and unsettled late in the forenoon under liquidation- and bear pressure with prices at midday showing net losses of 12 to 22 points an the active months Iv 10c for 10 Why Pay More Three Times a Day Spot gotten and Futures Spot cotton dosed quiet middling up- milf20 lands 1296: middling gulf New York steady 1296 New Orleans steady 12' Liverpool quiet 719 Galveston firm 13 CONNECTIONS At With the Wlrghtsvllle A Tennllle Railway for Wrightavllle and Tennille aud in- Wltlvi" SubUn atid Southwestern Roll-way for Eastman and intermediate sta- At Rockledge With the Wadley Southern Railway for Adrian- and Wadley and Intermediate at Atvidil With the Seaboard Air Line Railway tor Helena and Bteaboard Air Lina ata- 'linth the Milieu A Southwestern lull-fty for flHUmortfcnd Mlllon ANARGYROS Manufacturer New York Mobile nominal 12 iy i8K' Charleston nominal 1214 Hat Biscuit a good cup of Hot Coffee with good Butter ere three thing list go together If we give ea tic ion on these we make a friend of you Iir Private Stock Flour la the perfection of the Miller's Art ground from tft Winter Wheat Our line Coffee Boasted the day you get It blended Expert Coffee man that caters to the taste of the people In this section ir Butter la heat possible to producee and received dally by express Called Her a Chinaman McCrary has a barbecue stand from which he sells chunks of baked pork at ao much a chunk On Wednesday ha celebrated ai last year's birthday and was in a mellow mood A yellow girl passed by and cast a wistful eye at hla barbecue As she passed by without buying McCrary called her a Chinaman She didn't like it one bit and told Officer Kirby The officer saw McCrary waa drinking and told him he had better close up hla stand and go home before he got Into trouble It was none of the officer's business and he drunk He sobered up In time for court and waa fined ten dollars Wilmington nominal 12 Norfolk steady 1214 Baltimore nominal 11 Boston quiet 1295 Philadelphia steady U20 -Augusta steady 12 1 Houston steady 13 Flournoy Grocery Company iQtaly Coffee Roasters in Macon Memphis quiet 1J- St Loulo quiet Phone 26 RY Little Bock study 12 Cincinnati nominal -Louisville firm 18' Schedule Effective September 1 1907 Futures closed steady at the following quotations: High 1211 1210 1217 1220 Open 1211 1210 1217 u20 Low- 1179 1194 1190 1220 CB Cotton Cloa 1119 1198 1199 1108 1205 II ATE TRADMB A Balls of Bird Cage Alley Mary Anderson who prides herself on being a belle and a lady was found by Officer Watson In Bird Cage alley stupidly drunk In court ahe said ahe waa not drunk and waa never so surprised In her life to he ao accused and to add to her astonishment the officer actually arrested a lady She wanted It distinctly understood that ahe was a lady and wanted to he bo treated Her astonishment coat her ten dollars HE BAN THAT MAKES GOOD January February March April May July September October November December 1219 1205 1202 1219 1314 1205 ll7 1202 1175- 1171 1181 lt82 1186 1204 1204 lb 75 NEW YORK Bept Primary prices of stocks showed vigorous over last night' with an active demand There were rising Bales of 3500 shares of Union Pacific' si 161 pnd 181 compared with 131 last night and of 4000 shares of DEPARTURES! 9:48 a No 11 Valdosta Express local train Macon to Valdosta 11:30 a No 1 Through Train to Florida carries Observation Parlor car Macon to Jacksonville via Valdosta through coaches Macon to White Springs Lake City Faiatka 4:05 No 5 Macon to Valdosta and all in- termedlatc points 11:40 nvt No 91 MDixla Macon to Tlfton through train Atlanta to Jacksonville Cordele only stop between Macon and Tlfton 12:60 Midnight Nt 3 dLthern BnwanSo Limited" LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL Sept 12 Spot cotton MACON GA Shi) your cotton to me and get opened quieter at 7 points lower Amert can middling 719 Bales were 8000 bales i Amalgamated Copper at 65 and 65 eom-ueu with 64 last night Northern pole- Pad! flc rose 2 Bt Louie Southwestern 1 Reading 1 Great Northern prefrired SL Paul and American Smelting 1 and Robbed a Bear Wagon The driver of a beer wagon went Into a house to deliver some beer While he was gone two negro boys were seen to mount the wagon and get half a dozen bottles William Johnson Loner Styles were seen loitering In the neighborhood but they said the boy who got the beer skipped and all de beer by hla self' The boys were dismissed on the lar- ceny charge but were fined on the loitering charge $250 and $5 of which 500 hales were for speculation and export and Including 7000 bales American Receipts were bales no American Cotton futures opened quiet and unchanged on the near and point high on the distant options: At 12:16 waa quiet net to 2 points lower on the near and unchanged to 1 point on the distant positions i Southern Pacific Colorado Southern Great Northern -Ore certificates Brooklyn Ksnid Transit and Anaconda a point Extensive profit-taking slightly obviated the advances In the metal stocks and materially reduced those In the railroads Interval of dullness and nrlces fol ffm to Jacksonville jJa 8ol'Arai A WATCHING THE BUGGY That has seen hard service is a good way -to Judge of its quality a teat we are glad to submit ASK THOSE WHO HAVE BOUGHT Buggies ffom us how they stand long hard usage Upon their reply wa bass our application for your patronage We guarantee our bugglea and that guarantee meana something We'ri 'S'jY rPffr I right here to back It up too Hot' I thousand miles away- lowed and the market reached the hlgh- again Renewed pressure against Amalgamated Copepr which drove it TS the one in which the interests are regarded as identical with those of the institution This means that every feature of thejbusi- ness is conducted with a view to the mutual advantage of the Bank and the (Patron This bank operates on such a basis and on this basis invites you to open an account I Jan-Feb -Feb -March Marrh-Aprll April-May May-June June-July September COACH SCHERCKER IS GETTINB SOLID Sept -Oct it -Nov Oct Coleman Buggy Co Not- -Dec Dec -Jan I 218-220 Third St Phone 2545 down to 64 had a temporary effect on the general market Another -collapse in the metal group affected American Smelting principally that stock going down 8 to 93 rs mated -Copper receded to a new low level at 61 and the railroad list began to show less stability Reading gave way to 96 following news of disturbances on the Philadelphia stock exchange United States Steel hoke 1 Minneapolis A St Louis 1 and St Paul 1 Louls-YlUe A Nashville advanced 1 Amalgamated made a downward plunge of 2 to 62 American Smelting 1 and Anaconda 1 The reaction In the general market In sympathy did not entirely wipe out previous gains and Slices rose again when Amalgamated oppef rallied 1 The trading became very dull at the rally 'Bonds were Irregular The following werecloslng' quotations of the leading stocks on the exchange today: Amalgamated Copper 61 American Cotton Oil 32 American Locomotive 58 American Sugar Refinery 110 Amerloan Smelting 91 American Car Foundry S3 MERCER'S FOOTBALL TRAINER BEGAN WORK AT ONCE AND HAS GRIPPED 8ITUATI0N WITH BOTH HAND8 NEW ORLEANS -JEW ORLEANS Sept Spot cotton closed steady and unchanged middling 13 Sales were 110 bales on the spot Cotton futures closed steady at the following quotations: January hid 1198 February hid a 1198 March hid 1209 April 1212 luy i hid ity 12 16 September bid 1210 October bid 1208 November -bid 1198 December bid 1197 National Bank Singleton 4:20 a mH No 4 Southern Suwanee Limited" from Jacksonville and Palatka tonal aleepor Jacksonville to Maeon passengers can remain In local sleeper In Union Depot at Macon until 7:30 a 4:40 a No 90 from Jacksonville Jvla Tlfton to Atlanta 1130 a No 6 from Vsidoata 4:25 No 2 Frm Polatka Jacksonville and all intermediate points: Parlor Observation ear Jacksonville to Macon 10:35 No 12 from Valdoeta for further Information sleeping car reservations etc phone 905 or 1500 RHODES Gen Pats AgL HARRY BURNS A Maosib Ga ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Office at Smyth Hughes Gookerly's Phone 441 46 Second Street Every System RE-WINDING RECONSTRUCTION REPAIRING Motors and Generators Installed Dally Interior Receipts Lost year Today Augusta 1989 2202 Memphis 182 121 St Louis 238 15 Cincinnati 171 61 Houston 1816 6389 Anaconda 38j Atchison 86 AT THE CASINO Estimated Cotton Receipts Houston expects tomorrow 600 to 800 bales against 10365 bales last year New Orleans expects tomorrow 00 to 1200 bales against 3435 bales--last-year TONIGHT Coach Schencker la getting on nicely with hla work at Mercer ha has made a good Impression by get- ting a firm grip on the work at once and sending the men who have reported out on the road for lung work Yesterday afternoon the aquad was hard at it plugging away at a dog trot building up their wind Before the running started the coach put the men through a drill In punting and passing the ball Letters have been received from many of the prospective members of the squad saying the men will be here Monday and will be ready for work Following the Instructions of Professor Holmes who is in charge of the athletic work of the college the men have been putting In work at their homes In getting up wind by taking a morning Jaunt of a mile or ao before breakfast and limiting their diet to football fare The spirit of the game has struck the -college and everyone la showing great Interest In the '07 team At present things are somewhat hampered by the absence of dressing rooms and shower hatha for the team a matter of great Importance This Judging from the Interest taken In the team will be remedied before long for it le the Intention of the college authorities to do all In their power to advance the interests of the athletic department aa far aa the meana available will permit Lumber Lumber The Gay Chorus Girl Brooklyn Rapid Transit 44 Raltlmor A Ohio 90 Central Leather 19 Canadian Peciilc 164 Chesaneake A Ohio 82 Consolidated Gas 105 Colorado Fuel A Iron 23 Delaware A Hudson 153 Denver A Rio Grande 24 Dlstlllere' Securities '52 Erie 2 General Electric 127 Great Western 9 Great Northern pref 124 Interboro 8 Kansas A Texas a 84 Kansas City Southern 26 Kansas City Routhern pref 56 Louisville A Nashville 108 Missouri Pacific 68 Mexican Central 17 New York Central 104 New York Air Bpake 109 National Laid 40 Norfolk A estera 014 Northwestern 144 Northern Pacific 125 Ontario A TYestern 82 Pennsylvania 119 Weather Conditions The area of high pressure Is moving slowly eastward and is now centered over Tennessee Its advance has caused cooler weather at most stations east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio River A second high area Is centered In North Dakota accompanied by cloudiness and rain Th lowest pressure la "Over Western New York and Nevada Clear weather prevails over moot of the map hut showers have occurred In the Lake Region and in the Atlantic Coast NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All persons having demands against the estate of Corbin late of Bibb County Ga deceased are hereby notified to render In their demands to the signed according to law and all Indebted to said restate are make Immediate payment Thla 12th day or September 1907 CORBIN CHAB STONY Administrators Estate of Corbin vSeats on sale at Max ROUGH and DRESSED LATHS SHINGLES PINE and CYPRESS States from Maine to Georgia The conditions favor fair weather In Mo- -V1 gwaln having applied for letters ministration on the estate utt Enr L-dfeceaeed late of paid county tlils section Friday with slowly rising temperature H-gheS thla Is therefor- Interested that thla Is therefore to notify it bto Applloatton all persona -Uday in WILEY Ordinary win be heard on the flnjt Momtay hpctObei1 1907 WHEAT IN CHICAGO WAS 3TR08G TODAY WOOD 1 Woo-I cut to length in pine oak and mixed Ross-McCuliough Lumber Co GEORGIA Bibb Martin Kahn is I as a bewm-epi having applied for totters of admlnlstxarxA 6foi4ipo Valentine tion on estate of aid county deceased this to notify all persona Hum WEST MAY MEET THE EAST ON GRIDIRON I Ask Anybody the best place to have your electrical work dpne feud tell you to PHONE 2-1-2 No matter how large or small your job' is it will be appreciated and will have our prompt and careful attention That hla application will be heard on the first Monday In October 1907 i WILEY Ordinary rat 28 87 92 28 21 45 76 Pacifio MaU People's Gas -Co Philadelphia A Reading Pressed Steal Car Rock Island Rock Island pref Reo Iron A 8teel Ren Iron A fftsel nref Hallway Steel fc -rings Southern Pacific Southern Railway 16 St Paul 118 Toledo St Louts A Western pref 47 Texei Pacific 2744 Union Pacific 1 United States Rubber 30 United States Steel 29 The total sales of stocks today were 920500 Shares Harris and Hawthorne Sts Phone 116 GEORGIA Bibb Mrs Flora Bloch having applied for letters of admin istratlon on 'estate of Joseph Bloch late this Is lstrauon on I' of said count" deceased this Is there- UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WANT8 TO PLAY QUAKERS DURING CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! 'y fore to notify all persons lnterestejUMai her application will be heard onJihefirt Monday In October 1907 CJ WILEY Southern Electric Supply MfgCo CHICAGO Sept The wheat market today opened strong on a good demand from traders and commission houses December opened to higher at 87 to 97 sold off to 97a and then sold up to 98 Minneapolis Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 443 cars The corn market waa active and prices were weak chiefly because of the continued mllil weather throughout the corn belt December opened a shade higher to a lower at 59 to 59 and sold at 58 Local receipts were 441 cars Oats easy December npenea lower at 62 and sold at 52 Provisions steady There were no early 171 Cot Ave Phone 212 New Sale and Feei Fee Bad GEORGIA Bibb Evalln McDowell executrix of the estate of Mrs Mary McDowell late of said county deceased having applied for leave to all the real estate situated In TalbsC County Ga belonging to the- eatateef aaid deceased this la therefore not! fy all persons Interested that her application will be heard on the first Monday in October 1907 WILEY Ordinary rge sale and feed via Co 405 Popla a large of guaranvetch as i largvboarflina oraes ter for treatment Your the building formerlv and have modern eon-and mules Will sell ery animal sold to be aa rep-ftmeht a week per head and furnish uainess will be very much ap- 1 quotations on January pork January lard was 2c higher at 6830 ribs were i shade higher at 6815 We have opened a 1 occupied by the A venlences We wHl keer at reasonable profits am resented We also have We will board your the very best of feed a predated fhlnkT Got head back echeT Fsine all ova badyt Open High- Low Close GEORGIA Bibb County Mri Laura Williams guardian for Mrs Annie May nee LaQulnn and Mra Clara Dana neb 93 103 94 98 94 99 97 98 105 103 104 LaQulnn represents to this court Bottle LIQUID The A writs Co Wheat Kept Dec May Dec May i Oats Sept Dec 69 60 62 60 82 59 68 50 60 59 60 he haa fully discharged the duUSs aaid trust and haa asked rcnatl of dismission this la therefore to notify all persona Interested that her application will be heard on the first Monday IB October 1907 WILEY Ordinary MACON GA MANUFACTURERS OF EFFECTS IMMEDIATELY BEHOVES THE CAUSE Ealievas Indignation Faina also Regular aise 25c A 60e at druggists Recognising the University of Pennsylvania aa the pioneer In all-American athletic sports the University of Washington has challenged the Quakers to a game of football to be played on the Pacific Coast during the Christ- mas holidays Athletic Interest Is rampant in the Northwest and the Washington school has guaranteed the Pennsylvanians all expenses Pennsylvania has heretofore been quirk to snap up anything that would broaden the athletic field of America The Quakers introduced the Carlisle Indiana to the athletic world and last year when Michigan was played with a disastrous result for the Westerners the Pennsylvania bays partially opened the Eastern field for Western teams It la a pity that Pennsylvania overwhelmed Michigan In the game (the score was 17 to 0) for since then and especially after the Quaker's poor showing against the Eastern colleges last season Interest in Western teams haa fallen many points Had Michigan's challenge of two years ago been accepted the story might have been different but still the demand for notice by the West has reached such a point 'that challenges will have to be accepted or the Eastern colleges will lose cast for not playing If the Quakers accept the challenge of the University of Washington they win have to travel six thousand miles This la a draw hark for it would be better for the game to be played in Chicago on neutral ground where there 69 12 53 58 S3 62 52 82 52 63 84 Central of Georgia Railway May Fork- 1550 1665 1585 1585 GEORGIA Bibb Mrs Nellie Wynn administratrix estate of John Wynn having applied for leave to ealj---" all the real estate situated la Bibb County Ga belonging to the estate of an deceased: thla la therefcpeyto notify an persons interested that her anpll Cotton Yarns Warps Twines Hosiery Etc 1550 1585 Mess Sept Oct Jan Oct Jan Short Rlhi Sept OcL Jan 912 907 882 877 912 880 912U 980 ration will heard on the first Monday In October 3 55 a WILEY Ordinary ARRIVE From Savannah and Augusta From Savannah and Augusta From Covington and Eatontom- From Athena and Madlton From Athena and Madison 11rtam From Atlanta and Griffin From Atlanta and Griffin From Atlanta and Griffin 11 From Atlanta and Griffin From Atlanta and Griffin From Birmingham and Columbua1 From Birmingham and Columbus From Montgomery and Albany 1 867 362 g6S 817 -S 12 617 S65 315 DEPART For Savannah and Auguata For Savannah and Augusta For Covington and Eatonton For Athana and Madison For Atnens and Madison For Atlanta and Griffin For Atlanta (Dixie Flyer) For Atlanta and Griffin For At'anta and Griffin For Atlanta and Griffin For Cohnfibus and Birmingham For Columbus and Birmingham 11 For Albany and Montgomery 800am For Albany and Montgomery 11 For Amerleus and Albany DAILY tEXCEPT SUNDAY I Paper Tubes and Paper Boxes I We will without one word II 1 refund your money if Bw fl Rox fails to cure you of Gonorrhoea or GleeL Not AV1A Injurious therefore cannot cause stricture will not derange your stomach will not tain your no odor Painless Moat convenient packnge In existence containing everything necessary It does not matter bow long standing a few days' trial of Rox will convince Some remedies simply cheek the disease without curing ROX POSITIVELY CURES For sale at our store or a-nt to any address by express upon receipt of price only SL STEVE WRIGHT Mgr Druggist Corner Fourth and Poplar fiti Macon -T- GEORGIA Bibb The appraisers apnointed to art aside a support to Indiana Eatonton out of the eetatd of Heniy Eatonton late of aaid Bounty 1 deceased having filed their retard rf this office this la therefore to notify all persona interested to file' objection! to aid return If any they have on or before the first Monday la October 1307 or else said return will then be made the Judg-ment-cf this rourt- 18 and 20 THOMAS STREET NEW YORK OFFICE The Touch That Heals Is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever compounded No matter how old the sore or ulcer is thla Salve will cure it For burns scalds ruts wounds or piles It's an absolute cure Guaranteed by All drugg tat Mb From Montgomery and Albany From Albany and Amerleus DAILY tEXCEPT SUNDAY would be a large attendance insuring fenanclal JOHN BLOUNT Effective Sept A 1907 CITY TICKET OFFICE ttstrist PaaMDUtuAgetfL Vag-CHSRIlYj9TlEETa 1 ife Ai.
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