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- Publication:
- The Salt Lake Tribunei
- Location:
- Salt Lake City, Utah
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I 1 A aie I 1 it SK ablit ca I 1 jil 1 salt lako lake city Mori ING MAY 23 irli 1871 of 9 be Daily and weekly tribune A ta city pioci 0 if iboa ulah corinne unab il COOK ja WINSLOW granite utah io 40 ISRAEL ogden dipol JOUN LOW a 1100 0 11 3 atel WB hauer rio chr I 1 ral A tio JOJG CROWNBROWN bur distractutah JA A SCHMIDT sau ul cad A arent apfl mr ra alei Is authorized to solicit kud job vork for kinf la all the iho mining camps tn in ilia 1 If brotrai live the fargeot and lost stock of 0 family groceries and provis ious muhab 11 alar bros nto have thothe finestfinast stock of dry goods gents furnishing clothing hats carpets of in util 1 walker ere bro to til give you ilia best value for your money call and too sea their prices prices boodoo delivered free and promptly DELOS discovery of as cinnabar ledge wo lavolave ment mentioned ioneA theilia discovery of a valuable cinnabar ledge by mr thomas bennett in ia the camp floyd district tho the ledge his been stripped a distance of eilly fito foe taud shows a vote of rich ore seven feet wile wide tests ts have leon beca made which range from 15 to 73 75 per cent tuc the average quality is estimated at 25 per cent A previous discovery ot of thisaliu valuable Alif fable deposit it been mido made across the canyon in lite joany lind this lore ne aa relation to the pir went ledge ia richness its yield not exceeding ono one and a per cent cene TL ill dai COV cobery is likel ti provo ol of immense value wid lias bas ken ju dis patched to several parties la califor- nia some of whom ire are expected on shortly to take lulo an interest in the alao sir 0 batterfield who has bond oil cil the mine las a quantity of rich specimens furnisfurnished bed him by mr den LOU at lis lii office no 89 mma blain st Itt latt leatte lattora fra alres jewelers aro it in of a flock of 0 cali fertile gold jewelry con ol of dockets locketslock cin ets chains and ri uga also a titleline assortment of it watch cleaning a and A repairing repair by a practical guaranteed ait law cold onil lip llna aralio 0 sod water at tile alio wasatch drug storostore tracts 12 for SL 81 A to I 1 he 1 drug moir ales 0 ioa io witter water gondin vichy seltzer congress Cou grasa ana empire ia 1 for 1 of if whatever character charack can lo 10 cured with mth the rid dies new lifo life and abolition oil for sale by all it order forlee derolf or at germania ion cream sa jooa inadomi fulido cr putspurt spring water baleen blockton bloc klon travelers can ca obtain the best of ino ines liii latif etc it at raus tot for 1216 mutt cents lage twenty anyacy quantity quin lity from sa 2 00 upward at Now York bilut street A tw ew cancaa lc be ly by DI mra rs joan tt room to let 7 77 al A ff I 1 1 I por tation tat ot boub batrou ut las on bros jc cuts CUB abela tb lirk and it alo I 1 1 varista A store tiie the women doal uko it ft this laljit fraudof Drig hams is aising ahsing the very old oil bey among his followers their devotion hitherto liaa las been unquestioning un but 10 in spring bog thia fraud upon them hohehas gone go no beyond bai saintly ally endurance like jack falstaff Falat withwilh his ragged recruits they declare they will not cut march withwilh him through teats flat the women ato are up in arms too and thay upon their proprietary risby lilo like amazons Anitz oDi letiet us ui i give another instance or two an old or of IMS city lan has turns Knoch Eno chitoits the property lio lie enjoys ia is in his name dame the ou old fool 1601 wants to turn over site pu anta is lier her foot lawn down anil and says no i thisie and thothe agod couple 1 hive ave lively ne he quotes the colar commine vina or of theiho and bho pays if thothe old oil bilk of the iho don lion hou 0 loco not quickly subside subs ijo she will ralio a mob of women to tar and feather him paint in lie iho seventeenth 11 ward has gone in load over care lut but bis bill wiro Is rebellious an 1 mischief to lo thothe household ill II 11 gives laca dortho the clia tico of joining Effo enoch olt or 90 going in to alio devil bile says 59 she elio will ill ov om it a way about it to the be wo we liao dow on olt han baud completo comp Ou loto teat tock cot of 1 summerrummer clothing consisting consiA ting of theth latent md and pat rui manufactured fur fr ihla ila at our 0 abud a now york which enables DR to lai from fifteen to lo than aua other hogu 1 I 1 iho trade is supplied at whole sale alo rates if co Was wealch Nv antl I 1 will pay prices fur bouse bold goods ofallkinds if a tow row door vest of kimbill kimball lav lani bences ren ces 1 firs irs south effect IL LAUD LADD co I 1 11 binegar Inc Kari good alrona atron cider 1109 I 1 1 11 1 11 barcol of lif 13 gillous gil loua at li uie factory lac tory 38 comm eircil id street orders from tho the country countr promptly attended to josi ru ra DAVIS morly great western hotel lie tol best rates in tho the city SULLIE Dt DAVI viz proprietor 1 I 1 rictor horbe HOIM HOI shoeing can in saltsail lalo lake oty city all horbes cured in all 11 curlo cases of forging cutting etc alc SAIMON buns co hive have just junk ro re ft a I 1 fresh importation import of their col cla rated criterion ia Ili uluia kuhna luccas anil andotheroilier choice brands ol of cigars lure luce point hikoe ri sno buil its for I agica ilia alo lett best find cheapest cho ia town Is at lill now york vork dry beere east arcol bresak I parade arade nl at luama Dou xiaq A favorite resort lor for our citi zoos Lons aej strang cri visiting salt like liale on oil sunday afternoons is ii camp douglas Doa glis to witness drou dress irada ir grilc ilc tho the eight companies of thothe thirteenth canth infantry with with onoone squadron adron of civilly ciei vilry thothe ul- ler under command com maDil bl bf major gordgordon 0 forms form i pretty strong when thosethese troops anre formed in colmo line they make nn an imposing deply the tho the garrish gar is ii excellent aul and their drill is near to perfection tho the very imofine courses mui and the i igop 1 and I order ot of the lio little world in arius anus all toren ran jer a asit 0 th 13 military past very enjoyable to theiho sun- day visitors Ti dress parado is ia now held at 6 in ia or thit ihil thoythey mity may reach ill thi city before dirk dark guard mount is at 9 a the thas IL I lob lab aftic 11 the blouw committee on Klc choos will 1 I 1 tako take up the case colcannon ol Cannon the delagdelegate mato from utah rod nail will maxwell the contestant imi aaa a vaporpaper wit with the committee Commit toa asking that confine cannon may to lo forced to lo answer tt to his hia charges at once tho the bill ii it 1 alcen in lie coin to lo US as I 1 it I 1 i ise 13 that hobe ill at ad mit ids om rolat iol 33 and pro part pare to defend thom washington glon cor world many malay ret ione halo attempted to ta run lun hotels whon largo large vaua bauo is 14 ean aiken tor for money antiami have allfailed oxcart 11 brunton Bru oton of tho the overland home lato late of tile glon 1 house tho the I is is now doing the only gool bralo in ia this city and for reasons that explain thouis elves good mold meals 25 cents beai best biring bedi niah olar curled ledi hair tops 50 cents the ilio only house iu ia town where genuine gutters cutters iii hiar ky can bo obtained for ill I 1 i cents po drink lk in 11 later genuine vichy urana i waters at tho the wasatch drug drue alore ly lety again tho the felau lc tationof lovyslevys brands of cigars cifare 14 to ilia I 1 old friends and nd now are in ted to call bull ail see KOO laic audand store 93 02 wain main burcat uny uns lur Ci digioria gioria I 1 at the baracy I 1 anoy store ding here i i for or lunt Ex euralon to ln liliian Ln ankom koM si wo understand that the members 0 of the oum aro air for a select dicuio tot toi lako sile 03 cooday juno let decora decor tionlion day those ta go can 0 i a atoil at oil 1 i lyceum on oas boj un next at fo four 0 in or walker bros bro 9 up Friday td next tickets lor for the excursion adults adult fl 1 children 60 50 coots cents music for dancing baucin dau cin swings quoita qu aio etc bobe provided on tho the grounds gron nih a gaacia timo time is ii anticipated aati oi ci I 1 1 I 1 1 i oak to Surround oll ad 0 ar by of fool foodantianddrialo mad aud I 1 living IV ini in tho like mulat of 01 it ought to it at lust a humalon tail koui bia told a real article na can lo be liall A species of may bobe lid lad ty by purchasing hsing a loi box of dr Ido idoeta eti cretin cream ihling powder or i a bottle boltl of lu lie flavoring fact ft wil I 1 lau doubt lavolave 0 to 0 juice biking nich linda i a wout fortho the ud bruaw nid with or dr prices bakius powder are really elegant while thetb flavor to cake aad that liu kro lu as loral tho the fruit from they aroare I 1 tuulo aside fromthin ab olaD parity ten rca dcarl thein wholesome aul to tile niona rat las Lah dill licato cAto stomach lic ocl I 1 cori cord asas wo od 10 IO boire stove wo oj 4 per cord at ilia depot 1 I 1 I 1 11 beer hall Is ila abc lott lost ilc il in LD the city to quench loar 0 thirst i I 1 I 1 DILI A dentist dimce alain ln arcol north 1 3 17 it aja 0 rem A fc run lorti bacul tate min over anto ali soua 1 HOTEL IL I 1 i 10 A RoBo binon anil wi alfo ire miss nellie lUf cinon council bluffsA arllaril gwin ogden KH nebraska city endi i catt yokohama it 11 it 11 blonzo lil anro 13 A nu 1 city ityl 3 IV willard sao frnc- isco la cc A i 1 cli 0 0 rl in iti abi lr a on i ic nr I 1 A tb 4 0 notre monro WAS slim 0 binm maraan Jones janesvillejonesville Jon cOTillo ville vica alio Jl io A do lon kr irid alj nife afe doton Ji orlon 0 1 quinlan 0 tt 13 A 11 EL 11 ie de valt chicago Chio igo kronar A mckean 1 rin lyson novada 8 kennedy 0 howard brockell Broc kollkott bingham Bob maon Do deliver river demla I 1 spank bingham Bine hrim smith barki hanti obell I 1 jones Sk liholm holin sweden den AV SO A 1 13 claraann Clar kann inomoto 11 johnson now tory 0 qc cioe cit 1 ako I 1 taylor 0 RR 11 wallis ogden baxis Dt vig DCc Cr ooley mcfarland mal city stone beono 0 ophir mr 11 II arra aniah amcy amago call 0 ET nick oils Is cottonwood 11 compbell ding- ol hami 0 holmes columbia di dai brict city 11 moyer omaha shingle pyon payson 11 II smith Pl blusher plusher Pit laburt usher Eck eckerson erbon phi Kips kisilow Ki ler grant city vanderbilt Ys IV datesbates ogden IV 1 drant aront johnston Jolin stan a 8 A syd dori dod bingham Bing bam ainslow Ain all- am ad- am ad- amsams corinne Ton nul te 11 II blips ophir 1 A Dom pharry 0 1 sir me afim IN amri 1 4 gilrod galop lis coom 11 bow I ow galena smelter A St esart ort provo NY montague ani wife IV wil leammon and wife 8 air moist andnd wife philadelphia dr LD gouldgoold IN YG joy ohio wakefield 1 frohsin MF romin and wife mr eddys bedoy truscott IV Atin armstrong strong now york lloyc I 1 IS A borbi Bi 0 eberhardEber harlbart davil Ding liam sturges ct cor corinne i one jas pierce il bohi non neis clil cliant lizt Kus kuston itaka moyle potter I 1 di adley kaew dry KA kansoo it duff daff wolff fw i mo john haley sandy shaldon stocktonblockton ton IN XY i iw IN badden I 1 odlen II 11 wiit HI walters swing din am fadal adel- i iiii filiti CE cunich I 1 GB davis so san 1 fancisco ran cisco 51 martin artin chicago Cb icaRo rollins ll ullin nas na cumm best boston on 11 akoon noon halona IM jas miller bi liningham ingham li 1 1 urs 0 union 11 11 1 0 I 1 1 i queen charlotte aud A til 11 other fancy summer drinks ofthe latent atle aro are now dow compounded by tb abo 0 popular ats I aper fair who on hand ilia bati best of liquors and cigars at heroit berdal da no 35 fi delouth street burkit nasal 1 arit arii ard gott gettin in gnp up every 6 0 bum aks in aff in ahalt style which th they only know how liquors liora beer aall aoa allchoicest braind only tort kept orland saloon min main st stroked 1 jj i tend 1 anil kekc coal a ir rivea i froal fram i th tha 0 minoa daay I 1 1 everybody knows I 1 I 1 to 0 ib ln tax 1 for or tay any uso use in tho themarket it contains cont 2 per or ton mort mor carbon than any other in the west ton dollars per ton 2 I 1 at ii depot Of otero fica in post office wil wa I 1 ix I 1 0 1 minor 20 antiand shipper hipper 1 1 1 MU bile and muslim suits lawn nain 0 0 chwa ts now new york arh dry goods te ito abi I 1 10 lo be place to abny cheaper than 6 aalst temple street opposite the wasatch th latal 4 ii nickita bought alad eal ty pomeroy broker aroler office in godbol bes drug storer batore FP I 1 3 I 1 i idock coal I 1 2000 tons of cit Ws this onlea celebrated haiim fuel fitel dorf no ooon handband at tho wyoming yard leavo orders 1 doornorth of abe pot poa offles aluce A 1 abt A 11 rol agent orisan francisco beer it is ilia best over ever imported to utah bior its sept fior quality I 1 iia fiao malt it who is tho cla capot and tak etho esth 0 iea lead dorau ol 01 all kowarc that you aro not imposed on with ich an intoner inferior quality of beeri beer ian san i FraDd fradusco beer rails fas to please it I 1 challenges altall others I 1 III the lbbrotbest 1 the 10 chicago and northwestern coith western is still the and favor- ito favorite bouto irom from oman omaha to chicago and all 11 points rast gist bl 11 II davis at white Mc Cornicks bank isthetha ticket agent find and ho be can sell you tickets and give you fullfall fata I 1 louis Ortin klirs milwaukee beer hall in Ri cLaras building iaia the abo place for the beet beer in iathis city call antiand try quality day boardwell board will find ample accommodations at mr Carf crt doiy house kimball block opposite ti Tolu send house I 1 rj A tal ane jon OFFICE is pr pro 0 pura pared to iao cr description offprint offa of print rint in mg in in thothe most at distio lity leand and at pacos that will alj live satisha tion i 3 1 4 e- al rn gi worth of furniture cialle will ry pay the i price 1 for large ltd small quanta ticia of I 1 bold I 1 korn iture to tua 1111 country ordema ft wal to ill agn goto CO to ua ade lu in aliM thing holt lake nilla shop abo itc reputation I 1 A co i id fully ed tab for quality ity of nj punctuality they to do block amilla wagon mid and work ato honIfor keek taboo bo oioi arr a Allo iw cl*ty cimIty califor 11 ui it corral a notice on account of rd I 1 will soil sell out I 1 my co liro tiro stock of furniture at eastern cost and freig freight bt being a desir end ou of leaving tor for california jjr 1 JOELSON lis lg mockblock i 1 the best assortment a tho the I 1 ail jau acy 0 astorp dingbat Ding bam 1 I 1 1 1111 1041 anti oferall ope rall just at 0 ora ni north of first 1 arst national Nation nl back ining lial lc I 1 fila inc I 1 meyers adamantine mining milling candle ube bac no other they ore are I 1 tho 0 belt try them for we tale in allthetha mining camps Ri iker alker aou both baehr and arbr Er br robot fu these baalis aria now ro fitted up in grot clam atlle SPECIAL NOTICES we have hav nownaw I 1 in a toro store the lh ice keu lucky that can bobe procured urca la in llo auld alt irta laiI OR HOW 1 41 itt ration I 1 cl 0 BrI tIlty and aiko a fall every to tho the liquor trudo fur awn ml low andaad ou lau lit ab nd term MANSFIELD ATCHISON STEELL old 9 jre national bansak luK rl a A main I 1 asonta in utah for pluet Crr tUlou JL a bew con wo bev a lu in batore iatorola in clauw luss kud and wood woodi dl ace 1 te lu us from TT va 13 CALLAHAN is MINING MILLING AND BUILD- ERS HARDWARE apt 4 MATERIALS rv nACE ANI AND it CIE IF at A HONN willlam ASSAY i BALANCES STOVES ETC AGENT ron 1011 1 ap pp wes platform hay railroad and counter oll scales tin till A hiliet iron corli I 1 MADE TO UTAH FIRE BRI brick ia ak FOR SALE ASSAYERS FRANK FOOTE ia i A say 1 all 1 it I 1 Hingl iAra city etab territory 25 2 5 8 6 SANDERS 1 UK SANDERS SPRAGUE a 93 AS 37 IB two deorka mouth carwen ear wen barge a Compa illy SALT LAKE CITY I 1 11 carefully ea Rayed not plea from a distance promptly a att lendol to land find returns mode the ui day int following 1 att a 11 WEADER klasen A 41 R- sa a ar 30 ael is BALT CITY MO A ASSAY 0 OFFICE fr JC 1 i main aroet fault lake fly orca crea carefully ismayel sm ayelsamples sent from fram it distance promptly rp lly attended to and id returns modomade the day charges moderate jovy amov mattat apayor GEORGEM BOUTELLE 9 mil ch il Engine erand and byor for utah omec omar io in the budding jtb od ty llo abo cna tah ll elaw ouke flit lck city 1308 BROWNE browned BROOKS CIVIL ENIGI ellul mtr md and diagrams of mining KJ prepared for andd prot Lit maps audand neeri on ral lasts calli his rn ota 0 ellico in Kin kendalls dalls dock it abo I 1 0 bonds mit iia graffenberg GRA EFENBERG LIM 41 attctt dial A alg rl jt am IL at pd ae mai chals uter uterine ilie for FEMALE WEAKNESS and uterine krino Compla ioU of women Gra efenberg children I anneen for dul decain eakies io lo 10 which children sri tro oct Gra graffenberg efenberg 0 rn pills for BrAI DACHE IDA and indigestion 1 1 co ani by all Drugg ilita graefen GrAEF gr LN BERG A CO ly PO 0 DO box 12182218 new boric HOTELS AND restaurants iNTS HOUSE EAST TEMPLE ST AIT XAU imaki CITY Us I 1 DR PATTER PATTENCO janc ik VALLEY HOUSE hait great Rattle edlon in IB prices to lo ank nit i tb eliones lioa giorid room per day 11 1 00 doda do pei is HKA acks 8 00 to biltl 10 00 meals I 1 SO jo stogie beds 1 i 1 50 per day 1 00 mArli lit act 67 at A I 1 WHITE HOUSE AUGUSTU artists Artis ns far ar main aua bt raftsalt lake city grent great in priest price to lo kolt halt the llo ikard board uj and room 1 sa s1 I win par LIS day three meal fackett for 1 1 board by ththo month bolh 1 ts 01 loffle 1 mcdona 1 so 6 beds I 1 be loom Kw im I 1 75 cante ud and sl 1 OL Ilay abla ii in noa ds I 1 OVERLAND HOUSE MAIN SALT LA ILE CITY ITT ilist CLASS accommodations for foe Gent lunita boom per pardy day i i JO 00 per week 2 soa 00 ikard pr per week 6 5 01OU mesh 25 barber shop ud leon wt with ili the th hotel good beading Il boom Ese tern We attorn an local hemiy BRUNTON ARCADE CHOP HOUSE BEARBEAK or HALEBALE A OX con street noland dinwoodey props HE liaro have jutt jupi fittedfattal up tho lh THE ibon dudal where aul wul 01 lv lo 10 served up to 0 order on OD shortabort noticeDoick and Dl la in uit held ialo tu all ilo iliachoice of uiathe market OPEN DAY AND ever the MT and AT I 1 alpi alucia PlU ICES Cia wi call sod od see us ui WMN landar MM ma JAB 1 1 Xvi kick CENTRAL HOUSE bomnin pat rC fourdoor delouras blow below Jol God bei belia dault picore SALT LASE CITY 0 Tiri AN Air OPEN ALL ALI kloht 11 1 1 CALLED AT AST ANY 11 IX aired very quid intel warm loire bei no frost brodt cvar alitar coin cell luddo nice weli you bIsted rooms room pot poi laight per week 1 11 11 1 1 1 taa 2 2 SO 50 latar week ft 1 am choice guach ready at all holies in I 1 tho the dinin ro room on bolow nt 5 full clat se 1 wo OW jaud I 1 UTAH MEAT WW DURKE it 2 1 froAL LL main street be beraten re ad I 1 alreen it LAKE cm wholesale Whole and retail till kat MEAT at AS nil coina it aers constantly 0 OX hl AT 1 I IV it do of thothe clao I 1 mulk 11 etvart iver broo of charge to MY arl of I 1 aft rail ril tod cipot rays th at Ills ignoll 11 4 rl hoe alti aej it aljo pys ys ch ii take tion ji it I 1 PHIL a itell it clr arro tho 0 st at tho that I 1 61 a ir 2 it toil ad tar arlu try eye over to rl 04 A uly I 1 11 I 1 CITYJOTTINGS ja 1 I cherriescherricocher rici oro aro blushing on tileilia market was an unusual amount moun tol of calor caloric i in the air yes yesterday I 1 PIE aro all arping tho the scan bean dion vian girls lotointo polygamy tar daniana for timber hats fille fallen off considerably in thothe past pal week and shoes ira are a drug THE select parties given by pape emery at theiho sill salt lake gardens evory OYt ning nrc brov ing ini very enjoyable aff af tairalairs acx your four merchant if liehe 13 ibi gin ennstent chite ite lc fore ang liia gooda I 1 I 1 I 1 be is leave him donefor ho he is ia your conr enemy derna i are plentiful but warden prisoners had a pundit ind and there is nullnoil rebellion rebel lioa in ia those hoso animal cases 1 I mui tithing money comak alldS 1 two per cent ceni a monththe a 6 larem harem remains in ia stalla quo tho crofit cin swa ko tny any lucre in ia i it ws was a rumor on thothe streets I 1 yesterday that george ws was marching hom*o home without hla his seat feat wo ri ty that was his heaviest ewt pat I 1 IN nnie is strength tho the two filers oroaxe uda to bo be dego- lia mg ing a consolidation make it 1 richer i compost thauthan any mix turoturn wowe know of TILE THE crazy profit advertises in in tho the church bivers inert that ho he hassilk norma to 10 give giro away lea all the a uteri aters wit aln callfor them old rig cig wants the iho women to lo clean the caterpillars effii off hia orchards or silk gr who own fast horse will 10 lo do well tl if try thothe mettle of their encols on olt less traveled thorough faw than east temple strool tho the way tho the jebus lash thorr thor sime evenings is at once antianil dangerous clangor oui in fart it 15 is gusting dis to nagim dif DC Sus DEia has amroe from new york wr wn 1 I from ophircity arrived in town yesterday contractor arrived from vida Cotton cottonwood woo a yes tc rilar wi WE were i leased to receive a cau call yesterday fromfroin mr 11 livermore of the raper noaie of at IV clarke chicago he cepro scots onoone of the lest bestlouses in chi- case chi- cago territorial MAR marciale SIAle siarshil opinion let of in allono Asto ocial ju ja ill I 1 in ak at 14 A I 1 1 II 1 fee tl ff irlo 21 I 1 17 of or UTAH I 1 1 october term supreme court 1 1873 ef I 1 arke 1 lv ed jew DT McALL isiT tb son fe sk in alo of if lay 1 dal a 03 ean liam aal in court 1191 oj by counce I 1 bobe recognized by tho court 03 hirshal for thothe territory ster altopp alio ap gearod by by his counce anil and cla ilard to hk 6 in i mich lach tor Murr lial tho evi lence presented anil and taa grounds ichok ulan upon ly lay ouchmich iro afre stated anil and consad considered ercil in ia tho the opinion of ofton tho court it mcbride and it da ain for duncan 0 90 1 snow for or 1 I LAA 4 mckean SIcK cun cli ch deliver delivered cd iho 91 opinion or of thetha cawi Bo boraman rcman concurring conour ring emerson Kiu erson ji dissenting on tho the argument on of 0 the cla imanta the journal of tho the biegi cativo assembly of utah WM was blowing that on abe day aay of 1874 tho cound ellcil tua in unit among other were received from his excellency tho governor nomination as li IA duncan to tiletho office of jornt ril rial I 1 garabal A oom commission mission ot of which tho the tollowfollow aag bog ii a coy copy was als nisiintroduced tm TIM or OF I 1 I 1 I 1 TEnial lony or OF utne 24 PU who ake baete ive sem aj 1 in Kuo wv ie clial fiill tinpui fo dark WM was on the ho 11 day iy ay ofelarch A i bit I 1 in- and far the a of uth utah anddd bo a la bt ingdulydaly find aa inilla am a ly I 1 el I 1 ones ouon we luo in the I 1 ua of theiho territory therefore 1 I I 1 woods governor of sj itilia it tom harr eawy do hereby LOOn him martzial Mart lial as short indicated and lull and him to kulchar go thedo butiu tabs of dij anico soc erding to laband law md to 0 jay theibo rights alid theria luo 0 agal IT until the sessionof the las luj LIS linedue olor kacew laid quaI fOod to of itfloo a 3 jk la whereof hereunto any abna andnd caud the wom ot at said 11 ll jorri tory to art idono donot at city this abi al aldy day ot 0 march aad 1174 aad all of the of tin tile united tr iid states theiho finity oi it 1 I total Galo I 1 WOOK oops oti verno I 1 i BLACK tary of vista territory ouon the part ranol ol 01 the journal ot of thothe legislature A doubly was wa showingallowing that on the iho lath dy day of 0 1 A 1 I 1 1874 the of 01 1 laire capre eitai lot to tho the liou tho thedumb and uj kioa or otria or tili be cloettal by tile joint voto vote of I 1 ila ivo ive Asim aa bly among 0 fliers ono one reir tail bud uil alc 1 I 1 your committie com bonim mittLe woud alt alij that thoas tho aa dully hold comaj a fail so in as son as 03 awat blo with other legislative bua ints lor for the klicar art oso yf making ru fai 1 CICO electora elec tona ileo alo thai in thetha llou iloco on tilethe lath of the ho same mr A lun be I 1 kd iva to meet the iho blouw ia joint leali sra cinto la to borro at 2 laa antl for ito purro tho officers cors to bo be bylaws ly thai i joint foloi voto ot of the legisla Ie lep gisla ho secondo I 1 and cauncil carn carri cil cd time also show in irig ithac that in ill tile council on tho the barno ay A coal was received frontfroin thi lions lion seaLing at ing the council to moct in ia jo nt eiba tomorrow to morrow at 2 inhi on motion of councilor 0 hartington tho the bouncil Lo uncil agro il thore I 1 to I 1 1 also eliab ing alio llio following record 1 lu i 8 faion 1111 boat ulio lake cityfebruary ai according it io PrOVI garft ont want I 1 0 ut session ilio 1110 7 i dr ofilio 6 alie be roll of the council wit calita by bo be cant clerk of the couto houto quorum rreta arcen pr cen mc tile dcarlthe auml guion ofa and ready to to 0 0 00 oo motion of councilor harrington john hta elected trial mi document of tha following tollow aag aro are epics copic 3 were real on the al 11 0 ze i 10 lo um sir we have theth hodor to inform you that lit at a joint masi blon or of ilia legislative assembly Ani bly held at thothe hall on tile die twentieth liu tnt you were for foe the territory ot utah lt di forthe ali by tail lw rj montt dun I 1 1 arni claff clerk of theth house of lk prest ata tives a Orri cs salllatin city IL illah laW 1671 1 1 I 1 hereby thatthai john me aa 1 later wito WM wait on an thothe liy day of AD A 1671 elected by joint vote TOM of alo Aj dumbly of the Tor libor of ba of mar maral forthe tor bo territory ofatall hath tl la axy laid lil lond bond with keenly we al add the oath 0 of bond lim been ba sol filed in my fooloo as required by lr law lu TitU mony Lurf rt I 1 lavo have hoes unto my name all ul my office cs akal ikil it at ma onion in 10 salt atko city th 6 a add year fear I 1 bit af fit WILLIAM auditor of ID lillo Acco account cantA for the contest between le tinon duncin antianil mo luijt tor for uio theterritorial mar cobio us ul on en plover appeal nor is it in the nature of it a ai writ of guo aioo do luli I 1 Oli tion crak ionly to bo as tho aay ivris thothe quotation as 16 10 alij atac to bv be cona bestel is ia another way but thothe man nr inva ia it litch the iho oa is presented ted to 0 us will compo bolt us in bostio regards to consider tho legal rights or of tho the ps pe if liti timers though akil we intend now to decide caly itrichof eliom biota 1 shall ball to be cuton oj at ilo of 0 the its im the supreme court of the ho joitel oito I states decided thothe 1 iona in this coute af pf it it has ha thenits doci 1 most pu put a odd end to ahia tile cases of Cl claaton faton vs va engel- brecht and snow vs va kha steloi eja etli have locoleon cited as coot tolling noil anti it must be conceded on all hands lit hat if alio llio questions ions now before us hano haio been lic izod in that curlit our lit it wan in the one ODO or ilia ct 0 her or la in bothbolhof trobo cahee acro tile iu vol ci in those cwi Kofol brocht the stiles states ilar blar eliol summoned ilia jury which triedtrica the cio caseacase arasin dalr tle ilo local laws iowa of I 1 alio llio lie territory ory ile court decided that I 1 tile ha jury acula acala layn been by the iho territorial Toni loriol marshal and not by theunited states Illar shil in snow vs tho the states slates cc rl hempstead the united st as attorney aidi tend that it WIB was lu his wid durdui ind a nd not the right antiand duly of tL the efern at tolan Gen crol yo to I 1 it lo 10 the acis churia I 1 all 11 II the local crim crimmel lavird of thoilia Terr rito try ry tilt the court decidedthat such nuch of should to by bt the attorney Atto roey general anil not by this ll 11 united battes Att attorney tuey wag decided aro are benatre tat ot act but iho court of tile united stated would he bo thothelost last court aim im thil that it could decide in those uses or 2 in any cris casi a notion col involvedalved in ia lite noora no court hail had cuore clearly ban that court laid delve I 1 hebe dachne that aoan 0 opinion anlon ox pressel upon a question oot dot cohort thoilia court is id bin lindine attig upon inferior courts nor theiho court which it tto 11 question how mua the terri tortal tor nl MATI matadial dial cl cf utah liu be appointed or alco od or chosen choco liau has never beca to the supreme court cl thothe atod tit abos find and that court liui las riot not lad it iu in iti loter to lo do cdo it it tin boan decided LI lee in in thatthai court nor in ill thisthie if oi abor has over ever language which even loigu aily boul to dv du cido this bits loen in ID some case cao not involving the ilia question and the langulanguage ago was wan dourlyclearly ai 1 I 4 i tile ni 1 lounck earne tor iho five no petitioners petition ers re referred forred to many tatt bools anti reported easescases but in IQ some ro tile case at bar is ID unlike any in I 1 iho he books it is a cabo or 0 now new im pr ossion I 1 lol let its in inquire abon on not dot in tho light ol ofauth authority onty 1 for 0 there hero is ij none but in the light ol of reason bru brought lit to lo bar ar upon tho the must the ibo marshal bo be a appoints pointed poin tid or elected or tho nm organic actor act of una territory provides for thothe lection election liy the people of thothe members ofthe legislative Am embly and nd tint that lite governor secretary chief antica jn tico and assent ato ate justices Justice sU attorney Attorn oy and nit shall lo be nominated and lb and with wita the advice and consent of thothe henitte He nitle appointed by the areld dt dont of the united states and bec tion kioa 7 of tho the organic act provides thus and bobe it furtherenacted that all township district find and coonconn teofllo rs not hereinherciaotheniaothe nii provided for shall ahu bobe appointed pointed tr or elect cd its il thothe caso may be in such much man- nor manner as flum thill 1 bo be provided by tho the gov GOT andnd assembly ol of the territory those thoe provisions it will mil bobe borno in mind apply to lo fed- erl officers members ol of llio aho livo live assembly and township dis dia tries ando aind county officers offic crai I 1 it is mostmoat that nono none ofthese protia the question tinder lander con sido ratAn A nolbarahal is ii not nob a 1 ceorl officer olTi cor hohe la is riot not a member of the assembly Asso mUy le ho is not a to unship or coun ty officer these of tho the organic act throw no directaffect light upon the inquiry how must thothe 11 lor marbal mar siar bal bo be appoint oi elected or chosen but scia tion 7 of tint act contains this further tue the governor shall 1 and by find and with tho buooand nl consent of 0 thoiho 1 A vo council appoint all ll 11 ors cors not herein provided for can there bo be my any question that if there is to in tile organic act authorizing the creation 0 ol 01 nod ranting the manner of tilling lieho office of territorial Mard lial it is tho the pr provision 0 lost last quoted if such an officer can exist at all must ho he not or of necessity bo be created liko like all not herein otherwise provided tar for the supreme court of th the 1 united states las recognized tho the ri ight of thothe gov goi emor anal lagi assembly to create tho the office amoc but it lullhas 1 not decided i how that office must afi bo fill ad but blat legislation hm has there been 0 or tou touching thi officer kofl icar 7 when lingnam i am young was governor of this aff act ws passed and approved containing cont nning this ion ion to wit bi it evicted by the corrior abt lagi litimo olt olalia i he terri territory tory of utah a earshil dballbo be elected by a joint voto of hell 11 cs oftho loni ln lat tivi live assembly wh so term ot of oance 4 shall bo ons coir ajr afterwards ex 1 anle brooner removed by bythol ilia ass fehly or until his is 13 liia toj and POO 1 chap I 1 11 38 baws of utah tah 1 jt it if i thought ilk by some where ions ions eroare antill il to high engli respect lint I 1 iho he officio offic sought bought to bobe created by this act and the iho of filling it aro are in that neither onta stand klaud without allio other that it if tho the onoone is overthrown overthrow a I 1 it anu mul drak don domn tiletho th erith it liet us consider coos dor this view of the case what aha must bobe presumed to lave have been ilia intention ofthothe assembly in ia co enacting acting chii uw law was wa it I 1 tl accommodate and benefit tile bublic or was it to cren create to a place tor for the benefit ot of some favorite we must judiciallyjudici illy presume that the log isa tors intended to servo their coucon rather than somo man thattheiha office ind and not the officer was thetha thing hug considered lf II the office anil nil the aro in then henthe office did not axis axis tillthothe as chosen and anil were the incumbent to 0 jio die the office would do with him there would bo be no mancy manc to lo fill for the reason that there would bo be no office and there could be no territorial marshal until the office werewera recreated by tLona tio nand nd nica filled by proper designation and what would be the be coin sequences of each a istatt bata teof affairs afrA irs tha united states mr hl hal could not act in in local cases eithercither civil or criminal the rights of 0 pattina could coul not bo ell ore od and criminals could not bi be I 1 brou brought glat to justice unless we are irresistibly impelled ti it ma ilva ought not hot I 1 to reach a that might lead 1011 ti such conseil consequences axen ces it beras to have bao boontho thi intention ortho of the assembly to do two i 1 to create the office of terri marshal 3 2 to fill that office by ft a joint vote of both houses the supreme court of clio diluca states slates recognizer fit right or of the assembly to croto create thothe office andod tho organic alt act provides how it shall bobe filled II if any part of the utah statute conflicts with miththothe organic act or courso thothe form must in such part to null aniland voia the doctrine that a tata tato may bobe valid in in part and nd void in VIA pirt ii clo it if the territorial marshal is ii a township dldi brict or county officer then thuthe winner of electing him by tho the utah statute may bw be valid organic act sm sec JJ A constable conet chosenfor a to town wn or precinct or email political or dettrict dittri ct is ia it a town or district officer licor ol an officer chosen or appointed for i unlimited division diT lion of a county or or of thothe territory 8 buah ur as a representative district or councildis- trict or judic calit rl is a district officer rh ide see aco 2 soil marshal shill shall havo have power to appoint onoone or moro more deputy marshals to ia cach judicial jud loia did riot net of a officer tho the territorial Twi Terri orial marshal ii not nom a onic cir ho he is in therefore not noil bo nominatedand by and with thothe advice and consent of tho the senate appointed by tho the president of the united stalo tho the buil bailiwick mick of thoith the territory he ii bi therefore not nit if a township dietrict ditri ct or county ometer and therefore ho he cannot bo be appointed or elected in ID such guinner at ai dball caball bobe provided by tile governor and logn lagis dative assembly they shall provide the same manner mat I 1 aoa la boan provided by congress the iho territorial marshal not dot belon belonging inz to any out lot tho the classed 1 nain named oil must bobe include included ed arnon amongst gt ill ali officers not herein ise pro vidad corf or andnd therefore hohe mutt must bo be nominated nominated anti and by aad tho the nd ad vice alca bod and consent 0 tho council appointed ly by tho the governor act sic see si 1 7 tho the utah statute Bla tuto in eo 60 ur tit is as it conflict a with this llnaofthothe organic tot act is null aul void what may lave havo been tiletho tuan amouta mouta tave ot of thetha legislative assembly ly in or pi of Gu governor vernor young la in if leaving ahk whether the jO TorBor desired to I 1 ie telie cliftoj clie ToJ voa ofthe responsibility of nominating tho the officer baicar or whether it il wait to ulo isle theibe lower to nominate away from hid in otheo office it is siry lo 10 it to aay tha th a they hoy could neither repast nor oi lionide no aa piti vision of thothe Ort rauie act I 1 whether the joint elsion of the two houses titof tho the assembly a vans bai called and conducted and thothe election of effected according to parliamentary law or not is 4 a madar 0 no moment according to tho be court urt ot 0 I 1 tho a cited states llio tao A assemblyembly led had a right to croatocreate tho a 0 co ol of territorial blar 51 hal rd I 1 ng to tile gorganio Uro io act act tho the governor 0 of thothe territory halhai a tight uy a it wm val lis hia duty tj domi lanticulo ale gunj 0 by and nj with the advice and oj cookout ol of the leg laitila counsil Co to alp tha of bluit I 1 ilo did ma li oLitia dun 7 can ilia council did not reject the noi no ainoo mince abr governor did cut wilhvitia draw his fa name artio andal cr thothe ment ol 01 tho thecouncilthe governor ap mali liim ly by in iuar to 0 him dim a eomcore cent mission til all offic cis who shall bobe tiplip noted to 0 ollice office under the istria of altho the said mil territory and nd shall talc caro that ho liwa bo be faithfully li 0 abot 2 9 1 3 bruy many questions to ro left for canid oration cr altion whonwhen this contro controvert verg shall comecoma before us ui in a on quo loar it if mile uch acase arac ari we Vs intend now DOW to ga gono alno furtherfarther than sul ul a cello which of fit these petitioners petition ers hawtho dansk tho better lace case am anti and vi lite I 1 ereore toba to ba fcc ill as the tarri blar fi it is the opinion opinion of the court that be ifa arnin 1 dune cuncan an ought to leann I 1 ho be in to hereby as defacio thothe territorial mershal Mra lial ot of this territory bon concurs liarikos liM dissents ROW IN THE CAMP the scandinavians aroused A against the enoch fraud they break up a in og- den valley Correspond enco Tn buoo I 1 I 1 OWES iet may 21 As A a cample 0 of bowtho how the enoch sirio illo goes goci doak dosne if with ith tho thesaints in this section I 1 will give youyon tho particulars par tic ulars of 0 a a ince meeting tini held hero yes 4 cerday for the tn fastening this devil kli outrage on thisindustri- ous and hono at tb tho 0 people herohere tire are good orthodox mor moosmons who pay their tithinglulling regularly and keep tho the worl wora of to theiho lick oftheir ability nearly Neatly oneono half tho the is ia com composed compo soil ol of 8 who believe in ia brig brie ham but brit 7 bosl IISE ms ins etoff they aid however organize orga aizo tali order antiami good men from they kneir new to lie ie bogott mid and yesterday an enoch and wu was alter by amstus snow farr uror ogden nudandothers of the profit 8 aft these worthies worl wor hica lizal ilo do i I 1 their audience stith nith theiho licul trash enoch wooden hoes I 1 anil abo profit greit love loofer for them or moro proper properly lyt thir money and I 1 annja an ds erastus thought hohe hadbad a suilo THIM ON an I 1 to read a lis of I 1 10 0 labois the iho order at huntsville kutbut ahn wig too too lo 10 attenuate for tlilia to honest biaasian 1 tacy ball bad men fallen of the ir ou otan clio it arcady danl cro by snow oro llowd I 1 10 0 ba di LIVELY SCENE brother reter re sen a roanman universally eW arose anil bagged to bebabatca cl from joining joi nind 2 I 1 thereby drew thothe wrath of 0 th a 1 snow new ilao down clown upon his devoted aca licad great excitement anti chr cairn ictor bonben got up find asked that bat the men of the po oplas choicebe put in na leaders leader this thia BH another bomb shelf that took theibo fail by surprise anti brought bron glat snow inow standing tta 00 lia his elongated tara cars said hebe peter- sen shut your mouth th go holes hoina and aej repent and aej ome como back ondand task ask re promptly aptly too took him at lis hu word anti OF TITE THE followed roLLow rD imi nut but they go buck baa to ak aak fot for gi TencE of the snow houa hoai they hoy left behind roaring dikea foot idol bull bulla I 1 in 10 a corncore pitch patch the enoch meeting was vis butted and nj tho the scandi- navians aier tod theirmanhood tho tha profits chances tor for robbing these pomplo oftheirhard earnings are hero antianil when any of hr his chom*oa comoa herohere to talk again ats al did snow there is linger danger of a good in a water ditch or a coat of 0 tax tar andleathers tho the scandinavians arearc blow to anger but they have alto been kept under to long by vil ill Ilin cias priesthood who lo 10 keep them hem in ignoignorance ranco zif of alt freodom vouchsafed thorn them in tho the united states and make them believe thetha Oc riLlIes truo american oil eizens aro are their enemies hiatt the gentiles Gen tilea ire are endeavoring to free themfrom their load boad ny pal COLUMBU DISTRICT dini of lie naw of corlton norl ton the 1 or ar 1 broin irom a 1 gentleman in from rom co- lumbia co- lombia distractive district vo the following lo la lr rann lakja tl to ti lieho inanc me and ai art i to a A A atik aal thothe roy tho the alno now his has entirely disappear ea froni about thotheminesmincaand ilia doali are ro in excellent A num bor minya miners have gono gone in to lo work an nd a 3 a tin TAKe mine owned by cincinnati Ciaci noali capitalists capita liati is being worked ond and has bu a vein of finofine oro ore tho the mine looks very pami irmia i ing ie 1 I 1 I 1 1 rae deltia 1 0 wined by sir mr nichols is pushing alicia it has bai a largo vein vc of low ore mine is a improving I 1 I 1 ciolimo 1 I I 1 I 1 owned ly by marley has i a big vein tom ot ore assi lying in silver antiand 62 vair per cent ceat in loadlend 0 ore ro from iocim fruitbine fluit mineBine atvill amt to stockton abo ore irom mine is bovid to bo be the boat best in thothe territory for liming tax continues to look wall anti devoog mont moat will trill soon bo be resumed on it me ii running ruD nIni a shaft and antianil when properly will miaomalo a good mule mino I 1 I 1 TUE TIIE shows a a KOOI vein of galena oroore tile entire distance ili di stanco work is ii to be re tumor on this minomine I 1 THE bonfa a thiamine Th ismine mine la is prominently outly located on the same vein with the champion 0 ial ad its mes cun can be traced for quitoquite a the oreor Js low grade assaying 20 in silver and 65 laor lK cont in biml I 1 owned by wanner wagner A Itch ruke of salt lake is a good mine vork will liebo resumed on this thia roine in a shorttime the idaho white pino pane nason mason a and oregon tire nto otheroilier fine coe prospects in ia the capitalists arit alista arearc invited incited to columbia to investigate tor for themselves I 1 ITENS ITEMS no ilia wooden woodell hoes have bavo a appeared on our ifju judo ackad wo aki bilk cly thi 4 beany A a ro iida 8 the mines aro arc all burning ning a lively appearance anti and bingham is in itself gain again a tian tho little narrow gaego railway is is being exten extendeddoI up tilt the canyon as la fait 03 4 face and money can buildit I 1 over ilarene hundred tons of ore aroare chnag lown down the canyon to iii ILL elters every day ill quilico Jui lico Klo noya court ilii bus on aisch i arcouikind irid ol 01 zar ni or lcic 8 interest I 1 existing Di asting in tho the chaoul chall ool ot of ali thi rk creek has 33 mcclis been lopped tn on account rf it cn lie lives I 1 til of chosa lyris ay ye I 1 jao tho good people of bingham say bay they I 1 will mill riot not intro nue uny early latler daiy diy saint who goon goes int bioti euchre they mean anin oms thi the fa char ley is in tho camp wo abissi 13 lis sonny 0 pla and head charley charity my dear a come nie homi A man maii by the namenama of andreon was wag arrested theothar day lor for pullingpalling upop a atako aul and nood as lieile got off cheap it was wai a stake designating tuo tile boundary ino ina of thothe atlantalode lide now ow owned by sanderssandals find 0 3 and 11 II 11 tho the herald singhara Bing harabarn reporter gatins bavi ug flipped for or two bits and woo will not bo compelio comp elid to valk orar overto to salt lako lake agnia he is happy anti and duly swellsswella hil carpor only ooon enochs dried apples tar in its enlarged lormform and beautiful make makeup up is regarded acra ereas thothe live paper of utah alio herald is regarded as the organ of euchre andis hardly ardly ever seen in ia the camp itsils racorace is ia regarded as short no one will miss misi il excepting ta light fires in ia the morning I 1 4 1 ENOCH IN THE ELEVENTH it i III IUD hafl I 1 gets after fab bj FiA lints wo told yesterday about the die com dituro of bishop macrea i in the eleventh ouon we even ibi and veo ventured ilia prediction that enoch woi was wally killed in tant diocese ant abo bachop wag not to gia if i va py ado dext next jjr ho repaired to his ha big brother othor br the prophet lull him what a naughty bet al of boys boya hobe hoj had to deal withwilh and begged him to colw down the 0 next ext evening and awoawe the ho autince ra into with hillhou hn icovino no roar anti far ro amian so hom*or when he bo gets hit hii heroes matched with fo on 3 who cio can got woy away with nith them calls io in juno or mra mars or IBl lai and the dilemma is readily moved on th jd a large a Budiculli ence filled the like assembly room brigham and hii big second coun- cillor wella viere nero in in attendance 0 an wilh I 1 II 11 a numberof the iho iia I 1 IC priestly ar ae al fry bishop mccrea attendedbut bu when the prophet Prop liol is presen presenta tr kare dobli oblige ge ilia holinessadminis for ed 11 mild to his i care they hey had indulged art la in un 3 noise 6 8 the evening before ap pla bog and blumink he ima it of ool god was a profanation profi nation the man ol of gol god forgot tint that when warden idock wood lost summer nook hist his ll 11 portable blo penitentiary to the twelfth ward school alonse ilonse rit LINa tag IVI mini Till and a nd thellie citizens protested altai avinal nat the outrage rago that ho he sustained gustaia cd the ho act as a proper and opposed the altize ciriza I 1 iab the as portion of their rights lie he commended common dod thetha bishop to them as an eminently ions person A SIAI rn orimar 1 antiand hoped they would be governed by lis his counselsand go into looch enoch without ih wry faces mishop ip lop ra ron indol gol io in a ful fal soma laudation or of this pro prophet phot miu mas tor for TO TIM ITTY I 1 anil only it at a a aai all did removed that holy man was to be placed lie assuredthem that enoch nias mas good an and I 1 that hat stilted stated the whole cumcase thoro there waswaa no naca for inquiry no to 0 hedge ff about out to bonuro their interests DR IGnAll a ILYs la is GOOD now nn I 1 rt tian hep aali il walkup val kup to the abo cipolina 11 1 1 i but tho saints saints in theiho eleventh ward acom to bo be a liard crowd aboy dont swallow everything that iskold heru Brot brollier lier 13 ri ten he of 1111 bral pro ilose cd hislop 60 I 1 mechem ai president of till the branch braach the namo of freeze VM vlas proposed as an alicd lint but bloo priestly bilks makomake a common bract co lit at public mec meetingstings OF td WW tva 31 1 GUIX di fairness and common decency own and he put uio the ame name of liu man fri day to tho the without motion or secondfrom the Aud Lonco fifteen lauds landl were raised by some boys and deci elderly dorly i op was wa deol arod alea elected it A mr doon first erst councilor or ofthe je bishop was proposed for vice tice dent but buc tiletho i 1 have him bim rp tr fr second bishops co councilor un ei or was next tried and ho he was nenc celled by it a faint votovote 1 I 1 1 i mr freeze was elected treasurer and mr john colum secretary an effort was then ben mada to got taxi ekx MAX and mr ab flap a as a directors but sainta shipped off tho the bocabeenantiand elected charles prow and MoN asters diro etorA As A then gentlemen were mot most attivo I 1 in a their opposition I 1 to 0 alo bi hop the ru leford ie is pos ablo the branch directory will not work together liar har madious MI DiOUS three rant rank and fie fias havo have been drummed up so si far nith etli a fair prospect of inveigling a fourth decoration DAY at if a meeting ofthothecommitteeof arrangements tor for dey diy bola last evening tho the following sab eab commit ices were by bythe the chairman goo aba mckean i 1 committee on finance aniland col wm will johns surgeon 31 I 1 illiamson capt wn II 11 clipperton committee ou off decora tifft andabil flow our era surgeon A smith oil col woo I 1 11 I 1 i atis it rc 9 by 7 themarshal of tile the day that the committees act and the dis chargo 11 argo of their duties I 1 I 1 roll wi 7 11 i si 1 seesec LISI ut at office cos co I 1 on oil I 1 MIT ll 11 I 1 i 1 if allen mn ire Il 1 mm I rip clarko aa 0 1 CrAi fler il el harris aks ili 0 howard I 1 I 1 arvey BD 8 dordu mia 21 a conr air IV A Ra MW JAI 11 mrs lau raino A I 1 Alc mcdougl Dougal mr I 1 21 moore A 1 I mile mn mak dr i 1 1 IV I 1 ienco mm SIM bark rr kWI it time abe ar air ilij dij MW mi eb Uhler SIIM milk 4 i 1 I I 1 II if walker mrs 0 ff ward II 11 11 WAD SAlon I 1 ff MIXING 1 NOTICE it 1 I 1 la iho third ifo 1 11 utah Torn my in a ola lii I 1 0 equity wh awn rn william 0 9 li I 1 tiff and charles DIV JS 74 salles 1 I 1 bl a 1 1 0 01 1 1 1 I 1 mete aceti 1 1 I alt tl allo 1141 mill 1 1 twitt 1 en catl tad ca 1 ud deh il ilir ftc ofbf A 1 1 en eui doy aar apr ah 4 1 rf ot of said li giorl urt a A bt flaat tile a it kyto had li il MI cr SQ CS 1 ta 1 3 7 I 1 the sum of in dola arlit of bh PA payin aloft tit the 1 hereinafter or br 0 tonell ic 1 may be to a 1 all i kaiui after giving at least 3 pattie and td apprill ling anion 1 ions 11 paid lil dicrocsod a Jalo and id th chat ts na tarn sum of 0 awty nor any tn fart dmn pm paid now then att IT amse linw of OB at a mil anit rr of date I 1 si I 1 at alt and nj sell alho to van hiobid iw 11 court 0 ft 0 an or of cl vish rth aa it ball sit ladt cah 11 iii 11 andr the DWI of A 08 I 1 ten 0 clock am in ii 7 rai mid by til lii title till onil slid binl of lk 11 6 paid doii I 1 BP elther of them sin did I 1 I 1 not 1 them in anti nl to I 1 tho he to I 1 ID 9 lorta cowit 1 the th following bradt or of IQ I 1 1 hie to lynk lying and lib in intha the ronah I 1 I 1 lake tar territory ut of I 1 hah tab moos 11 1 sla ir describe du follows towal ia 6 jail beida five fit 6 5 rods rod fronting I 1 twenty tau au roll rods last lt ol of lot ahr 1 mock 1 13 ilio ibe trout fouch it halt 1 nio late 5 roa ing wall ly ij stat I 1 rods ft ot or lot four four 1 I 1 in hock block bihss I 1 I 1 tu all in plat A salt balt its lalni 1 CIL CUT A 1 tilting in ID tu all two hundred lunil rol lami ano TJ 1 1 I 1 together with ili the VA all longing tir or in EDT wita I 1 1 sl 0 aja amus amin 9 1 in dated tt at sal atko ity tab april 18 lbA ir 1 11 SS the above sale town arday this 30 dinst 1 i i aboa amoa special master is I 1 application FOR PAT IT- IA LAXO SALT lau cm ard 14 arl NOTICE ICE is 13 BEIt Elif 0 onis li IN 1 I 1 vamo poil offic atko city la in the of sall iut alln 1 I 1 auh tell and tal gestro citra r- i address in ayon if moines bolt 0 1 jamr mcgregor addre Is 1 terra I 1 igo coi inn asto application in add jd ve 4 land office at salt liko like city ca ucb 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uiolite amount i 6 your jour interests in said I 1 a add lid if uio the time iball not noa irve have test led within ninety 90 COI capi from toe the clift a 1 your lie pit it in rests lo in staid mj mine will if tor by operation of liw law I 1 wu MM arren Arr ArP LEBY Ln 7 IL II 11 baw silt ij lu city aty feb 2 ab I 1 NOTICE briw ir ir ld lilard akl adira dg 1 to jo john ad arc whom it akyi conce ralL notice is i cirio 1 that so nc 0 A I brition end aag I 1 dann cd I 1 abor Inma blaulmaterial is litro ded the vau suite of five hundred sol lal 00 dollars on uiotho bailit anut 92 little cottonwood all tri you hairsfailed to tho the most amend on your in mud iii notion and if tile sama BUU not bin hi I 1 paid lett lain ninety JO 90 dog dayl from rom IK hereof tour mid lu kralj la died aji to be by opsa 1 tion of law 1 0 A PEM ACOAVO BUA IlLIA 1 I altz city iw NOTICEMOTICE 10 0 ALL I 1 all atkins athna bordt borgt acao sc akol 0 abay james It athers It hiley sod ind oil ja whom it um MAY aaa notice is in henby pan alitt 1 I joad BK have done work sod urt the Vs bondruk laoc dt do alra on it the Es ajao in it lluis it I 1 11 at i dry ct cc and 1 I 1 ah tilt at i tuli of full to fwu of il deltaarid ft atia I 1 too duo me dot at thetha expire 9 of nidolf DO I 1 als bijl the taft trot publication of I 1 ahr is mu yma oral inece xela la in eahl ya will A bo operation of law edw dry canyon april I 1 I 1 NOTICE you will alts hit ties alco tint that there is in IUD it irom fold you and you the sum baui of 70 for work add hatkoff mr 6 I 1 upon oon and national the uv IA I 1 in lie cottonwood di strick cou coada tolli of lakeind anti Torri tury of etab aul and 0 hv eladid to lo couin butu that iho your five introit in truit lu an aid lw and if I 1 allm same nio bell alt be puo ninety intili JU davit fronifrom ilia lio datodata 1 it ui an mud wine rumo will bo fawl I 1 I 1 draft on of bawo 0 A ahe iglai in Lai ALTA AITA april 1871 NOTICE AD tylia max lira co of mr ir I 1 8 I 1 8 bm dx ls 1 1 ax lwe 11 until further notice wah il lab lono alone are ro to make Colla couke bo nir elicits lic its or renewal premi 11 moro life insurance comply of 0 11 1 in the territory of utah A 14 general agin ir.
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